Monroe Shock Absorbers Testing Unit

Meet Monroe

With over 100 years of expertise and 26,000 strong Australian distributors, Monroe is a world-renown shock absorber brand.

When Monroe contacted us, we knew them for their remarkable product designs, engineering and manufacturing standards.

Monroe Shock Absorber - AusGarage Video Production

The Challenge At Hand

With so many passionate distributors, introducing a new product is always a challenge for the Monroe marketing team.

For this project, Monroe needed to educate their 20,000 workshop customers on how to use their exciting new Shock Absorber Tester.

Our Ideas And Pitch

Having already collaborated with Monroe on other projects, we knew their products and their discerning audience.

AusGarage proposed an easy 'how-to video' to help educate their distributors on the Monroe Shock Absorber Tester.

Monroe Shock Absorber - AusGarage Video Production
Monroe Shock AusGarage Video Production

The Client's Results

In a few short weeks, AusGarage produced a video that was sent to Monroe's internal network and workshops.

Prior to this project, we created a video for inspections, making the entire new product launch and training process easy.

Behind The Scenes

Working with Monroe is a dream partnership for AusGarage. The Monroe team are truly passionate about their products - and it shows.

It was a joy to create educational content around the importance of shock absorbers, especially for our rugged Australian roads.

Monroe Shock Absorber - AusGarage Video Production

Have an idea? Let's get in touch!

Whether you have a clear campaign that you want to execute, or simply want to chat through some ideas. Contact us today.
Let's Talk